
Brown Mice in the Kitchen Room Under the Cabinet Door

Seeing a pest suddenly scurry across the floor of your home is never is a pleasant surprise, especially when it means there are mice the kitchen. Moreover, evidence of one mouse sometimes means more mice may be hidden in the walls of your house. Though the thought alone is enough to send chills up any homeowner's spine, spotting a mouse in the kitchen is a relatively common occurrence. Mice often seek refuge under refrigerators and the kitchen stove. The kitchen is an ideal habitat for mice, supplying the pest with everything it needs: food, water, nesting areas and places to hide.

how to remove mice in the kitchen

Mice can fit into small spaces, often using openings around utility pipes, electrical conduits, water and gas lines and communication cables. Once inside, mice can survive on bits and pieces of food in a tiny corner of the house. They don't need much, but the damage they can cause (e.g., feces, urine, chewing, food damage) can be overwhelming. If you've seen a rodent of any kind, take the proper steps to eliminate the pests quickly and keep them from returning and establishing populations.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Kitchen Cabinets

Mouse-proof cabinets by first sealing and cleaning the insides of cabinet areas. Check any areas used to house food, remove crumbs, exposed food and store food items in sturdy sealed containers that are not easily accessible to mice. Be advised that the space under your kitchen sink is a common entry point, as openings around pipes are typically large enough for them to crawl through. Before figuring out how to get rid of mice in kitchen cabinets, try keeping them out by sealing up any such holes with wire mesh or caulk.

Methods for Removing a Mouse in a Kitchen

If your preventive efforts haven't worked, there are a number of products designed to help homeowners catch mice in the kitchen, including:

  • Traps: For one mouse or a small group of mice, snap traps can be an effective method. They are inexpensive, easy to use and you can bait them with a variety of foods such as cheese or peanut butter. However, it's important to be strategic when placing traps inside your home to avoid unintended targets such as pets and small children. The best places to set trapsare typically behind furniture, in dark corners and along walls where mice run to hide.
  • Glue Boards: Another trap option is a glue board, which will cause a mouse to get stuck on the surface when it walks across. This may not be a preferred option, though, as the mouse will not typically die and you will have to find a way to euthanize it.
  • Baits: While using bait in a trap may increase effectiveness, poison baits set by homeowners are not recommended. In addition to the dangers posed by coming in contact with poison (e.g., pets, children, homeowner), baits may not work immediately and can cause a mouse to crawl into to an inaccessible small space (e.g., in a wall) to die. This can lead to a foul smell that can last for months as the dead carcass decomposes.

Terminix Exclusion and Removal

Targeted trapping, cleaning and baiting may help keep mice and other rodents at bay, but until every entry point is sealed, they may keep coming back. If you can't seem to figure out how they are getting in, consult a Terminix® professional for help. Our technicians can inspect your home and come up with the best plan of attack to help keep these pests out. Contact Terminix today to schedule a FREE inspection.


Brown Mice in the Kitchen Room Under the Cabinet Door


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